Hello There.
I have conflicting views on whether or not I should start blogging regularly. I cannot tell if my reservations are ones that I need to push through or ones that I need to listen to. I am travelling from now (June 2019) non stop until January. I know, it’s a little mad. I’ve worked so hard to do this, and I wanted to discuss why I am going away for so long, and some of my thoughts going into this. This blog will hopefully give more of a personality and context to my photography work, but serve to discuss my thoughts with friends, family, and ultimately myself. And of course, I cant get away from the element of exhibitionism behind it, but that is for another post.
So why am I travelling for so long?
Well, to start with, it sounds like its going to be a lot of fun, seeing new places, seeing old friends. It also is hopefully going to be incredibly difficult at points and push me to grow - or am I just running away from responsibilities? I really don’t know. I am finally giving myself the space to think deeply about every aspect of my life, and force myself to develop some will power, work ethic and work on my self confidence.
I am used to thinking about myself as a very open person, but the more I think about it, i don’t think that is true. This exercise in oversharing may be a bit much, but hey, at least it is encouraging me to think deeply, often, and express myself.
I wrote the above paragraphs six months ago when I started travelling. I ultimately decided against blogging, because I wanted some time alone, and with friends, without feeling like I was trying to explain myself. The last six months was everything I wanted it to be, it challenged me so much, at sometimes more so than I thought I could handle, but I also had the highest highs. I’ve had the time to think so deeply about what matters to me, and what I want to share, and I will be doing that weekly on this platform. I am so excited to share photos from the last few months in a thoughtful and intentional way.
I am finally feeling ready to share and I hope you enjoy!