Welcome! This is the first blog post about my new series ‘Colours’ (at some point i will come up with a better name don’t worry) In this series I am trying to challenge myself to explore different colours by taking largely monochromatic photos
Yellow is a colour i’ve never particularly felt any affinity to. This made it an odd choice to kick off a series with but i’ll admit my choice in yellow was inspired wholeheartedly by the fact that I found a cool yellow dress at a thrift store a few weeks before.
When I was thinking about doing this series, the colours I was more drawn to immediately where dark green and red tones, maybe some purple in there, but yellow seemed so obnoxiously bright. What I’ve absolutely loved about starting this series is that it completely turns my conceptions and reception of different colours on its head, and honestly I didn’t like yellow as a colour before this shoot, but now, its a staple for me!
It was nearly International Woman’s Day, my friend Evie and I, had gotten matching tattoos that say GIRL POWER earlier that day, so needless to say we were ecstatic. We ran around town, taking photos in the harsh light with the harsh colours, and using such a bright colour felt oddly empowering. I’d remembered seeing an old yellow shipping container driving around the day before so we went out to that as well.
This shoot reminded me everything I love about photography. It was creatively satisfying and challenging, I was spending time with someone I loved and visually capturing our excitement and silliness. Yellow, despite my previous reservations, ended up being the perfect visualization of our mood, especially as the sun came out, and we felt bolder and brighter by the minute.